Project Cargo refers to specialized freight works that are over-sized, heavy-lift or dangerous. We take on the biggest, most awkward, remote and complicated work in the industry. We do it because it is difficult and we love using creativity and intelligence to solve complex project cargo logistics problems.

Project Cargo

We have managed several high-value project cargoes, offering our customers world-class Project Cargo Services at minimum costs. Regardless of the shipment’s destination, our team handles every consignment in a customized manner, planning and engineering all the required points in detail (including a rigging study to ensure maximum safety throughout the lifting procedures). A good rapport with liners and break bulk operators helps us to offer our customers and partners a competitive service.

Operational Team Expertise

  • Site inspection and project planning
  • Route surveys and selection of reliable carriers
  • Track and trace with en-route reporting
  • Customs clearance
  • Final stage delivery with closing report